Appeals against dismissal and ill health retirement decisions
How to make an appeal against a decision to dismiss you and how to appeal an ill health retirement decision.
If you decide to appeal the outcome of any action taken to dismiss you at an absence review or follow up meeting, you or your representative should do so in writing to our Head of People and Organisational Development, giving full and clear reasons for the appeal. The appeal must be received within 14 calendar days of your receipt of the outcome letter.
These appeals are heard by the Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Panel.
You will:
- be given written notice of the time and venue of the appeal hearing
- have the right of representation at the appeal hearing.
The Personnel Appeals and Applied Conditions of Service Panel will be able to uphold, partly uphold or not uphold the decision that was made. The result of the appeal hearing will be confirmed in writing to you, and any representative present, as soon as possible.
Decisions about ill health retirement
If you're a Local Government Pension Scheme member, and you do not agree with a decision taken about your suitability for ill health retirement at an absence review or follow up meeting, you can appeal the outcome through the formal Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure (IDRP).
You should complete a Stage 1 Appeal Application Form, which will be provided to you by your Head of Service or Senior Manager.
You'll need to submit this form, within 6 months of the date you are notified in writing of the ill health retirement decision, to the HR Manager, Finance and Resources, Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1TS.
You'll normally be advised of the Stage 1 outcome within 2 months from the date of your appeal being received. If you do not agree with the decision, we'll explain how you can make a Stage 2 appeal to Scottish Ministers.
Early retirement, your pension and benefits (GOV.UK).
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