Support for staff with mental health, addiction or gambling issues
How we aim to support you if your absence from work is due to mental health, addiction or gambling issues.
Mental health issues
For some mental health problems, a 'stress risk assessment' may help with any work related issues. This can be offered at a suitable time during your recovery.
Our Advice Works, Improving the Cancer Journey and Long-term Conditions Teams can also assist with any financial wellbeing worries and provide other helpful support.
We also have supportive policies around special leave, domestic abuse, being a carer, pregnancy loss and menopause which can provide paid time off to help you manage life events and difficult situations. If we cannot help directly, we may be able to guide you to more specialist support in your local area.
We'll treat any sickness absence or concern raised linked to addiction with care and sensitivity. If you or your family need help, Renfrewshire Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service or RCA Trust (a local alcohol and gambling support service) can assist.
We can also refer you to Occupational Health for medical advice and access to cognitive behavioural therapy, if appropriate.
Adjustments can also be put in place to make a return to work from an addiction related absence easier. You can also access our Counselling Service at any stage (by self or manager referral) or speak to a Mental Health First Aider for support.
Please also refer to our policy on alcohol and substance use.
We're also working with Trade Unions and RCA Trust, a local specialist alcohol and gambling support service, on a charter that helps colleagues who want or need to change their relationship around harmful gambling and make healthier choices.
Our line managers and trade union representatives will be able to access training that helps them to understand and signpost colleagues to sources of support for gambling related harms.
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