Renfrewshire Council

Terminal illness

A terminal illness is a health condition with no known cure. It can also be referred to as a 'life-limiting' or a 'chronic condition,' such as certain cancers and advanced heart disease. Some terminal illnesses can be managed for months or years with medication and treatments.

If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness, we understand this can be an extremely emotional and stressful time. We champion the Trades Union Congress (TUC) charter covering terminal illness and are fully committed to ensuring you are treated in a fair and respectful manner and receive appropriate support with sensitivity and compassion. Our managers will be provided with specific training and guidance on this area.

You can access our Counselling Service at any stage (by self or manager referral) for emotional support. 

Our Advice Works, Improving the Cancer Journey and Long-term Conditions Teams can also help with any financial concerns and other key support. 

Workplace supports and adjustments 

You can choose to continue to work, leave work to spend more time on what is important to you, or work for a period before leaving your employment. We will provide workplace support and adjustments specific to your needs if you decide to continue to work, taking medical advice from Occupational Health when needed. 

Your employment will not be ended due to your terminal illness diagnosis. Instead, we will consider your specific situation, explain your options and offer appropriate support. We will help you to continue to work, wherever possible, for as long as you are fit and want to do so.  

Leaving our employment 

We can also support you to leave our employment through the most appropriate route, if this is something you choose to do, or if you are unable to continue or return to work due to your health and all other options have been explored. Other options can include applying for ill health retirement, if appropriate, or providing a period of up to 13 weeks unpaid leave if your sick pay ends and a return to work is possible. A further period of up to 13 weeks unpaid leave may also be considered.

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