Renfrewshire Council

Delivering effective presentations

Course outline, objectives, eligibility, and format for the course on delivering effective presentations

Being called on to create and give a presentation can be a stressful occasion for many people, but armed with a few tips and a solid plan, this experience can be transformed into an enjoyable opportunity. This training session aims to give you guidance in putting together and delivering a presentation both in person or via video call.

Course outline

A foundation on how to plan, design and deliver a presentation both in a room or virtually via Teams.

Course objectives

The topics covered in this training will be:

  • understanding what a presentation really is
  • planning an effective presentation
  • how to design a presentation that highlights key messages
  • strategies to deliver an engaging presentation, overcoming nerves and achieving the aims of the presentation.

Suitable for

All employees.


1-hour training on MS Teams.

To register your interest in attending a workshop, please use the Course Nomination Form and you will be added to our waiting list.

For more information, please e-mail: