Renfrewshire Council

Aerial of Cart Corridor

City Deal Projects - EIA Scoping Update

Renfrewshire Council City Deal Project Team submitted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Reports for the Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) and Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) City Deal Renfrewshire projects in September 2016.

Those reports explained the need for the City Deal projects, presented the design of each project and included a draft construction methodology and can be viewed at the following pages (CWRR - and GAIA -

Since the original Scoping Reports were submitted, there has been a number of changes to the proposed projects and the team have prepared a Scoping Update Note to provide information on these design changes. 

This note also provides consultees with an opportunity to review their original scoping response in light of these changes and amend their previous comments on the proposed methodologies and scope of the EIA if they consider that this is required.

One document has been prepared to cover both projects and it sets out:

  • key changes to the design of the CWRR and GAIA City Deal Projects;
  • any changes to the proposed assessment methodologies as a result of the updated design; and
  • information on how consultees can send further representations to the City Deal team.

The Scoping Update can be found here and also in the related documents section of this page.

If you feel that the information provided above has changed your previous scoping opinions, please send any updated feedback by 28th February 2017 to (ensuring that all responses are titled "GAIA/CWRR City Deal - Scoping Update Response").

If you have any problems accessing the Scoping Update, please send any queries to the email address above.

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