Renfrewshire Council

Licensing Board's annual functions report and statement of income and expenditure

Statement of Income and Expenditure

Section 56(2) of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 requires the Licensing Board, on an annual basis, to publish an annual report detailing the Licensing Board's relevant income and expenditure in the previous financial year.  

The annual Statement requires to be published by 30 June each year setting out the Board's income and expenditure for the preceding financial year to 31 March. The Report and Statement was approved at the meeting of the Licensing Board held on 17 June 2024 and is available to download from the related content area on the righthand side of this page, along with the report for the previous year(s).

Annual Functions Report

Section 56(2) of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 requires the Licensing Board, on an annual basis, to publish an Annual Functions Report setting out how the Board has carried out its functions for the preceding year to 31 March.

The Annual Functions Report requires to be published by 30 June each year.  The Report was considered at the meeting of the Licensing Board to be held on  17 June 2024 and the Report is available to download from the related content area on the righthand side of this page, along with the report for the previous year(s).