Byelaws and Management Rules
There are two byelaws in force within Renfrewshire.
Byelaws on drinking in public places
These byelaws are made under sections 201-203 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and came into force in November 2009.
Under these byelaws, subject to certain exceptions, any person who consumes alcoholic liquor in a designated place or is found to be in possession of an open container containing alcohol in a designated place shall be guilty of an offence.
The full byelaw can be accessed via the attached document.
Plans of the 12 designated areas set out in the above byelaws can be made available on request. Please email for further information.
Byelaws on the employment of children
These byelaws are made under section 28(2) and 30(2) of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 and came into force in December 2010.
These byelaws set out what type of employment is permitted for children who are not above school age and what permits are required.
The full byelaw can be accessed via the attached document.
The Council also has the following Management Rules in force.