Renfrewshire Strategic Economic Framework 2016-2018
An assessment of Renfrewshire's economy was commissioned to assist in the preparation of a Strategic Economic Framework to target key issues and achieve the "step change" required to overcome existing challenges.
An economic strategy for Renfrewshire is required to understand what needs to be prioritised to grow the local economy and take advantage of the emerging wider economic context. Renfrewshire has a number of related strategies including the Community Plan, Council Plan, Local Development Plan, Tackling Poverty Strategy, Local Housing Strategy and the Paisley Heritage Asset Strategy. These are recognised in the Economic Framework, which seeks to consolidate a set of key economic priorities for the Council, community planning partners and the wider community.
10 key actions are proposed. These are the "headlines" behind which lie a series of more detailed actions for stakeholders to drive the local economy forward. The key actions are considered to make the business and residents of Renfrewshire and each is accompanied by a proposed timeframe for implementation.