Renfrewshire Council

Advice for new food businesses

All food premises in Renfrewshire must be registered with the council. Anyone starting a new food business must register at least 28 days before opening for business.

All food premises in Renfrewshire must be registered with the council. Anyone starting a new food business must register at least 28 days before opening for busines


Environmental health and food safety officers routinely inspect all food premises in Renfrewshire. Visits are planned and organised using a priority system which is based on the potential risk of the operations carried out within the premises.

High risk premises include hospital kitchens, food manufacturers and large catering establishments. Low risk premises would include small retailers of packaged foods.

Food Standards Scotland (FSS)

Food Standards Scotland (FSS), the independent body which ensures that food law enforcement is delivered consistently across the country, undertakes regular audits of the work of Local Authorities to ensure that the provisions of the Food Safety Act are being adequately enforced.

In addition to auditing the practical enforcement activities and arrangements within Councils that are essential for the protection of public health and the prevention of food borne illness and food poisoning, FSS assess the commitment demonstrated by Councils to the importance placed on food safety, food information and food fraud.

The final report from the recent Food Standards Scotland inspection of Renfrewshire Council on the 22nd - 24th September 2015 details a very positive audit outcome, with no recommendations raised and one area of good practice highlighted.

Alternative enforcement

When an establishment has previously been inspected and deemed to fall within the low risk category, an Alterative Enforcement Inspection form can be completed.

The information provided in this form will keep our records up to date and help us decide if a further inspection is required.

If you cannot access this form, contact Community Resources on 0300 300 0380 and we will post a copy to you for completion.

Safe food manual

All food businesses require to have a written food safety management system. A simple safe food manual has been developed to help with this. The manual takes you through all the relevant subjects such as:

  • personal hygiene
  • staff training
  • stock control
  • cross contamination
  • cleaning
  • pest control

There is also a daily temperature monitoring sheet.

You can download a copy of the Safe Food Manual.

Useful guidance

  • Food Hygiene - A Guide for Businesses Covers the key laws that affect your business, what they require you to do and how they are enforced. This booklet also explains about good food hygiene practice.
  • Food Safety Advice for Home Caterers Home caterers advice and guidance on food safety
  • Starting up - Your first steps to
  • running a catering business This booklet is for people setting up a restaurant, cafe or other catering business that already exists or starting a new one. It is available in a variety of languages including Urdu, Punjabi and Chinese.
  • Food Law inspections and your Business This leaflet outlines what inspections are for and what inspectors do.
  • Food Allergy - What you need to know This leaflet highlights the common allergens and gives tips for food businesses in dealing with customers with allergies.
  • Food Poisoning from Cooked Rice Advice and guidance on food poisoning from cooked rice.
  • Starting a New Food Business Advice and guidance on starting a new food business.

Food hygiene training

If you run a food business, The Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006 require you to make sure that any staff who handle food are supervised and trained in food hygiene to a level suitable for the work they are carrying out.

Also, if you are the person responsible for developing or maintaining the business's food safety management system (HACCP plan) then you must have adequate training to enable you to do this.

As a guide, staff who may prepare food as part of their job e.g. Care Assistants, Childcare Staff etc. should complete Level 1 training, or the equivalent  REHIS Introduction to Food Hygiene course. Food Handlers who handle open, high-risk foods should complete Level 2 training, or the REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene course, and Supervisors in food businesses are encouraged to complete Level 3 training, or the REHIS Intermediate Food Hygiene course.

REHIS Food Hygiene Courses are available from a wide number of providers and can be delivered via traditional classroom learning, on-site training or e-learning options.

Local REHIS Food Hygiene training centres include:

West College Paisley Campus
t: 0300 600 6060

City of Glasgow College
t: 0141 375 5555

Glasgow Clyde College Cardonald Campus
t: 0141 272 9000

For more information on all other Food Hygiene Training providers, visit the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) website.

Enforcement policy

Renfrewshire Council have adopted an integrated Enforcement Policy. 

This Enforcement Policy document can be made available in an abridged form for anyone who requests it.

Enforcement officers can use their legal powers to improve hygiene standards in premises, and to prohibit food premises or processes being used. They also carry out routine bacteriological and chemical sampling of foods manufactured, produced or sold in Renfrewshire.

Another important aspect of the work of Enforcement Officers is the checking of food standards such as labelling, decorative ingredients, and other statutory ingredients all of which have to conform to current legislation.