Scottish Parliamentary Election 2011
Paisley constituency
Electorate | 52,066 |
Total Votes Cast | 25,673 |
Percentage of Poll | 49.31% |
Here is the result of the Paisley constituency:
Candidate's Name | Description | Number of Votes |
George Adam | Scottish National Party (SNP) | 10,913 |
Eileen McCartin | Scottish Liberal Democrats | 1,783 |
Gordon Alexander McCaskill | Scottish Conservative and Unionist | 2,229 |
Evan Williams | Scottish Labour Party | 10,665 |
Total | 25,590 |
I declare George Adam to be elected. The majority for George Adam was 248.
Statement of Rejected Ballot Papers
1 | Want of official mark | 0 |
2 | Voting for more than one candidate | 12 |
3 | Writing or mark by which voter could be identified | 0 |
4 | Unmarked or void for uncertainty | 71 |
Total | 83 |
Renfrewshire North and West constituency
Electorate | 49,060 |
Total Votes Cast | 27,587 |
Percentage of Poll | 56.23% |
Here is the result of the Renfrewshire North and West constituency:
Candidate's Name | Description | Number of Votes |
Stuart Clark | Scottish Labour Party | 9,946 |
Annabel Goldie | Scottish Conservative and Unionist | 5,489 |
Derek Mackay | Scottish National Party (SNP) | 11,510 |
Andrew James Page | Scottish Liberal Democrats | 550 |
Total | 27,495 |
I declare Derek Mackay to be elected. The majority for Derek Mackay was 1,564.
Statement of Rejected Ballot Papers
1 | Want of official mark | 0 |
2 | Voting for more than one candidate | 19 |
3 | Writing or mark by which voter could be identified | 0 |
4 | Unmarked or void for uncertainty | 73 |
Total | 92 |
Renfrewshire South constituency
Electorate | 50,221 |
Total Votes Cast | 27,032 |
Percentage of Poll | 53.83% |
Here is the result of the Renfrewshire South constituency
Candidate's Name | Description | Number of Votes |
Gordon Ian Anderson | Scottish Liberal Democrats | 702 |
Alistair Ramsay Campbell | Scottish Conservative and Unionist | 2,917 |
Andrew Doig | Scottish National Party (SNP) | 10,356 |
Hugh Henry | Scottish Labour Party | 12,933 |
Total | 26,908 |
I declare Hugh Henry to be elected. The majority for Hugh Henry was 2,577.
Statement of Rejected Ballot Papers
1 | Want of official mark | 0 |
2 | Voting for more than one candidate | 19 |
3 | Writing or mark by which voter could be identified | 1 |
4 | Unmarked or void for uncertainty | 104 |
Total | 124 |
West Scotland region
I, David Martin, Returning Officer for the West of Scotland Region HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that following the application of the formula for the additional member system of proportional representation, the candidates elected to serve in the Scottish Parliament as members for the West of Scotland Region are as follows:
Candidate | Registered party |
Annabel Goldie | Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party |
Mary Fee | Scottish Labour Party |
Jackson Carlaw | Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party |
Stewart Maxwell | Scottish National Party (SNP) |
Neil Bibby | Scottish Labour Party |
Stuart McMillan | Scottish National Party (SNP) |
Margaret McDougall | Scottish Labour Party |
Here is the total of the votes cast in the West of Scotland Region for Regional List candidates:
Registered Party | Number of Votes |
All Scotland Pensioners Party - Scottish Senior Citizens Party | 4,771 |
Ban Bankers Bonuses | 1,204 |
British National Party | 2,162 |
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" - Scottish Christian Party | 2,468 |
Pirate Party UK - The Scottish Pirate Party | 850 |
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party | 35,995 |
Scottish Green Party - Steen Parish for MSP | 8,414 |
Scottish Labour Party | 92,530 |
Scottish Liberal Democrats | 9,148 |
Scottish National Party (SNP) - Alex Salmond for First Minister | 117,306 |
Scottish Socialist Party - Fight The Cuts | 1,752 |
Socialist Labour Party | 2,865 |
Solidarity - Scotland's Socialist Movement | 446 |
UK Independence Party - UKIP | 2,000 |
Richard Vassie - Independent | 460 |
Total | 282,371 |
Electorate | 532,097 |
Total votes cast | 283,357 |
Percentage of poll | 53.25% |
Rejected ballot papers | 986 |
West Scotland region - Paisley constituency
Here is the total of the votes cast in the Paisley Constituency for Regional List candidates:
Registered Party | Number of Votes |
All Scotland Pensioners Party - Scottish Senior Citizens Party | 424 |
Ban Bankers Bonuses | 116 |
British National Party | 190 |
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" - Scottish Christian Party | 241 |
Pirate Party UK - The Scottish Pirate Party | 72 |
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party | 2,022 |
Scottish Green Party - Steen Parish for MSP | 799 |
Scottish Labour Party | 9,479 |
Scottish Liberal Democrats | 837 |
Scottish National Party (SNP) - Alex Salmond for First Minister | 10,494 |
Scottish Socialist Party - Fight The Cuts | 201 |
Socialist Labour Party | 349 |
Solidarity - Scotland's Socialist Movement | 53 |
UK Independence Party - UKIP | 136 |
Richard Vassie - Independent | 158 |
Total | 25,648 |
Electorate | 52,066 |
Total votes cast | 25,648 |
Percentage of poll | 49.26% |
Rejected ballot papers | 77 |
West Scotland region - Renfrewshire North and West constituency
Here is the total of the votes cast in the Renfrewshire North and West Constituency for Regional List candidates:
Registered Party | Number of Votes |
All Scotland Pensioners Party - Scottish Senior Citizens Party | 439 |
Ban Bankers Bonuses | 120 |
British National Party | 215 |
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" - Scottish Christian Party | 228 |
Pirate Party UK - The Scottish Pirate Party | 79 |
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party | 4,182 |
Scottish Green Party - Steen Parish for MSP | 712 |
Scottish Labour Party | 8,930 |
Scottish Liberal Democrats | 563 |
Scottish National Party (SNP) - Alex Salmond for First Minister | 11,443 |
Scottish Socialist Party - Fight The Cuts | 121 |
Socialist Labour Party | 188 |
Solidarity - Scotland's Socialist Movement | 40 |
UK Independence Party - UKIP | 179 |
Richard Vassie - Independent | 50 |
Total | 27,581 |
Electorate | 49,060 |
Total votes cast | 27,581 |
Percentage of poll | 56.22% |
Rejected ballot papers | 92 |
West Scotland region - Renfrewshire South constituency
Here is the total of the votes cast in the Renfrewshire South Constituency for Regional List candidates:
Here is the total of the votes cast in the Renfrewshire South Constituency for Regional List candidates:
Registered Party | Number of Votes |
All Scotland Pensioners Party - Scottish Senior Citizens Party | 461 |
Ban Bankers Bonuses | 113 |
British National Party | 195 |
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" - Scottish Christian Party | 229 |
Pirate Party UK - The Scottish Pirate Party | 93 |
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party | 2,546 |
Scottish Green Party - Steen Parish for MSP | 781 |
Scottish Labour Party | 10,964 |
Scottish Liberal Democrats | 507 |
Scottish National Party (SNP) - Alex Salmond for First Minister | 10,346 |
Scottish Socialist Party - Fight The Cuts | 41 |
Socialist Labour Party | 384 |
Solidarity - Scotland's Socialist Movement | 44 |
UK Independence Party - UKIP | 182 |
Richard Vassie - Independent | 47 |
Total | 27,019 |
Electorate | 50,221 |
Total votes cast | 27,019 |
Percentage of poll | 53.80% |
Rejected ballot papers | 86 |
David Martin
Returning Officer
Renfrewshire Council
Election Office
Third Floor (Room 3.7a)
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
Paisley PA1 1TR