Renfrewshire Customer Strategy
Information on the Renfrewshire Customer Strategy and how to read the 5-year strategy for 2023 to 2028.
We're committed to delivering excellent service for our customers.
Our Customer Strategy 2023 to 2028 continues the work of the previous strategy for 2017 to 2022. It shapes how we understand our customers and our service delivery to meet their needs.
The strategy is an ambitious programme of transformation that will see the ongoing development of our digital service and investment in future technologies to improve our customer service.
It also recognises the need to invest in the skills of our people, enabling them to develop and adapt to meet the needs of our customers.
As we develop new processes and services, we will ensure our customers are part of the process.
The strategy is for the whole council, not only for the Customer Service teams. It aims to deliver better interactions and outcomes across all services. This includes the services we provide, the information we make available and the work we do in the community to make Renfrewshire a better place.