Renfrewshire Council

Help with essential repairs to tenement buildings

Help with essential repairs to tenement buildings, The conditions of the scheme, how to apply, more information about the scheme and communal repairs.

We want to encourage and enable responsible tenement flat homeowners to carry out essential repair and maintenance work to help prevent Renfrewshire's older tenement buildings falling into further disrepair.

Help with essential tenement repairs

If you own a tenement flat and need to do essential communal repairs, but can't get all the other owners to pay their share, the Missing Share Scheme may be of help to you.

The Council may pay the missing shares of essential common repair costs in circumstances where a majority of owners agree to undertake these common repairs but cannot progress them because

  • a minority of owners are unwilling or unable to participate
  • the owner cannot be found.

Payment of the 'missing shares' will allow the other owners to get on with the repair and help prevent future more serious and expensive repairs.

The Council will then look to recover costs from the owners whose share was paid, plus any associated fees and interest.

The conditions of the scheme

To apply for the scheme:

  • the building must be a tenement
  • the repairs or maintenance are essential to keep the building wind and watertight, for example gutter replacement, essential stonework repairs or a new roof
  • an individual share of the repair cost must be more than £500.

The maximum amount payable per share is between £8,000 and £10,000.

We cannot pay a missing share retrospectively for work already started or completed.

How to apply for the scheme

See the  Tenement repairs scheme for owners and property factors leaflet [608KB] for details of how to apply for a missing share payment.

If you have a factor they should be able to help you with this. Otherwise you can nominate a representative, such as the owner, to act as the co-ordinator.

We have also produced standard templates that you can use.

More information

For advice and information about the scheme, contact the Owner Services Team:

The Under one roof website also has independent information about:

  • owners' repairing responsibilities
  • identifying communal repairs
  • working with other owners to get repairs done.