Renfrewshire Council

Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre

Nursery details

Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre is a Renfrewshire Council nursery.

Address: 76 Blackstoun Road, Ferguslie, Paisley, PA3 1NT

Head of centre: Audrey Copland

Age range: birth to 5 years

Opening hours: 8am - 6pm

Link education manager: Kathleen McDonagh

Placements available:

Term time placement

6 hours a day, 5 days a week during term time.

Morning or afternoon placement

5 hrs a day between 8am and 6pm, for up to 48 weeks in the year.

Extended day placement

Up to 10 hrs a day between 8am and 6pm, for up to 48 weeks in the year.

Blended placement

1140 hours in total, split between  two settings, for example between a nursery and childminder.