Renfrewshire Council

Tree preservation and conservation areas

Our tree policy, tree preservation orders, trees in conservation areas, trees and development.

Our tree policy

Trees and woodlands contribute greatly to amenity and the quality of place. They benefit biodiversity and have a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. Trees and woodlands make Renfrewshire a healthier, more attractive place to live and have a vital role to play in the setting, appearance and quality of Renfrewshire's environment.

The aim is to protect and maintain existing trees across Renfrewshire as well as outline the importance of active management of existing trees along with ensuring the appropriate provision for the planting and preservation of trees on new development sites.

Our Renfrewshire Planning & Development Tree Policy (March 2022) [589KB] provides advice on the following areas:

  • works to Council owned trees
  • protected trees in conservation areas and trees covered by tree preservation orders
  • high hedges
  • council powers in relation to privately owned trees
  • householders common law rights for trees
  • trees overhanging roads and footways
  • trees in gardens of Council houses
  • trees affected by development sites.

Trees and development

In considering proposals for new development Renfrewshire Council will make appropriate provision for the planting and preservation of trees.

Planning applications must be accompanied by sufficient information to allow the Council to accurately assess the trees affected by the proposals. The amount and type of information will vary on the type of application and should be discussed with the Council at as early a stage as possible.

Tree preservation orders

We may make a tree preservation order if it appears:

  • to be required in the interests of amenity
  • that a tree, group of trees or woodlands are of significance to the overall area.

Request a tree preservation order

To ask for a tree or trees to be considered for a tree preservation order, you'll need to:

Ask for permission to carry out work on a tree that has a Tree Preservation Order

You need to apply for permission to carry out work on trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order. You must create an account apply for permission on the website.

List and map of Tree Preservation Orders

Renfrewshire Council have recently made these Tree Preservation Orders:

See all Tree Preservation Orders on a map

Trees in conservation areas

Conservation Areas are places considered to be of architectural or historical interest. It is the character and appearance of these areas which is desirable to preserve and where possible enhance.

Trees in conservation areas are protected and subject to tree preservation orders.

There are eight conservation areas in Renfrewshire and information on these is on the Listed buildings and Conservation Areas page.

If you want to carry out work on a tree in a conservation area, please email

It is an offence to carry out the work to trees in conservation areas without the Council's consent.

High hedges

What to do if you have a high hedge issue with a neighbour, guidance on high hedge notices, what happens after you apply for a high hedge notice, more information.

Find out more about high hedge issues