Short Breaks for Adult Carers
A short break is a form of support which enables carers to have time away from their caring routine.
A short break aims to support the caring relationship and promote carers' health and well being. Having a break can also help the cared for person and other family members affected by the caring situation. Short breaks can help carers to have a life alongside caring.
Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership's Short Breaks Statement, sets out what a short break is and how a short break can support carers.
To access a short break carers must complete an Adult Carer Support Plan. Renfrewshire Carers Centre is the point of contact for carers who would like an Adult Carer Support Plan or to discuss anything about their caring role.
If a carer's needs meet the adult carer eligibility threshold, the Carers Centre will refer them on to Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership where a worker will complete an Adult Carer Support Plan with the carer.
For further information please contact Renfrewshire Carers Centre on 0141 887 3643 or email: