Renfrewshire Council

Tell us about a change of address for council tax

Check if your property is in Renfrewshire, tell us about a change of address, when you need to tell us.

Before you start, check if your property is within Renfrewshire (GOV.UK).

You need to let us know if:

  • you're moving home within Renfrewshire
  • you're moving to Renfrewshire
  • you're moving away from Renfrewshire.

This will help us charge you the right amount of council tax, if you need to pay any.

Ideally, tell us about a change of address two weeks before you move house, if you can.

If you're already a Renfrewshire resident, have your council tax reference number ready.

Before you start, you'll need to register for MyAccount through If you've already registered, you do not need to do it again. 

Tell us about a change of address.

If you have any questions, phone us on 0300 300 0300.