Renfrewshire Council

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

ASIST is a two-day highly interactive and practice-orientated workshop designed for helpers to help them identify people who are at immediate risk, and teaches participants how to intervene to prevent suicide. In essence, the workshop aims to help participants to become more willing, ready and able to help people at risk of suicide.

Who is ASIST for?

ASIST provides practical training for anyone who lives or works in Renfrewshire and would like to be provided with practical training to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.

What will I learn?

The emphasis of ASIST is on suicide first aid, i.e. helping a person at risk stay safe and seeks further help.

Specifically, you will learn how to:

  • Recognise invitations for help.
  • Reach out and offer support.
  • Review the risk of suicide.
  • Apply a suicide intervention model.
  • Link people with community resources.

Don't just take our word for it!

Hear what people said after taking the ASIST course.

"I can honestly say that I have never been on such a worthwhile course."

"ASIST has enabled me to feel comfortable when in difficult situations. Situations I would have avoided before."

"I feel that everyone, no matter what line of work they are in, would greatly benefit from this workshop."


To be confirmed 

How do I book?

To book please e-mail with the following information:

  • Name.
  • Job role.
  • Organisation.
  • HSCP area.
  • Managers name & e-mail.