Renfrewshire Council

Information Security Course Outline

Learn about information security with hints and tips about how to avoid a data breach.


  • Friday 06 September 2024, 10am - 11.30am via MS Teams

Course Outline

Learn about information security with hints and tips about how to avoid a data breach. You will also learn what to do in the event you are involved in an information security incident, including how to report the incident to the Information Governance Team. 

Course Objectives

To better understand:

  • What an information security incident is
  • Information security incident v data breach
  • How to report an information security incident
  • Practical hints and tips to avoid an information security incident, particularly when working from home, hybrid working and hot desking
  • Who to ask for help.

Suitable for

All employees.


Delivered in-person. Webinar to be completed by delegates before the Workshop, followed by trainer-led online discussion and Q & A session. Delegates will be expected to participate in the discussion as formal teaching on the day has been deliberately replaced with the webinar to maximise time for discussion.

Workshop Duration

One and a half hours.


  • Before attending you must listen to the Information Security webinar.  This is essential to ensure that the online session can be as interactive as possible and focus on issues you wish to discuss and questions you wish to ask. 
  • Please submit any questions or any discussion points for the session in advance, by emailing them to Emma McBride

How to book

To book the course please use this Course Nomination Form.

For more information, please: 


Arrangements will be made on request for delegates with additional requirements.