1. Foreword by Councillor Jacqueline Cameron, Chair of the Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drugs Commission
Thank you for reading this report and for finding out more about the work we are doing in Renfrewshire to improve the lives of people impacted by alcohol and drugs.
I was delighted to be asked to chair this Commission, and I am very proud of the work that has been achieved to date and the way in which the Commission has listened to the views of so many different people who are affected by these issues locally. Some of these conversations were really difficult as they reflected the painful experiences that many people and families have had. However, they were vitally important in ensuring that the Commission focused on the human impact of alcohol and drugs in Renfrewshire.
It's important that we now listen to these voices and work together to use all of the opportunities and resources that are available across our communities to achieve real change in the way in which we work and think about drugs and alcohol in Renfrewshire.
The recommendations from the Commission provide a way forward for us locally, allowing us to build on the work that is being undertaken to develop a recovery orientated approach in Renfrewshire. The recommendations recognise this work but also indicate a range of further areas which local partners should prioritise to improve these services.
The recommendations also focus on the potential of community and peer led support and the importance of relationships and social connection. Renfrewshire is home to many strong and resilient communities, as has been demonstrated as we have responded locally to the COVID19 pandemic. As partners it is more
important than ever that we work together to make the best use of all the strengths and resources that we have, and to tackle some of the most fundamental issues that our communities face.
I look forward to working with partners in the future to take forward these recommendations and to effect the real change which these Commission findings can help us to achieve in Renfrewshire.