Renfrewshire Council

Fair trade in Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council is proud to support Fairtrade across Renfrewshire, in partnership with a range of local organisations. We are fully committed to fairness and sustainability both at home and abroad.

Renfrewshire first achieved Fairtrade Zone status in 2009, after a campaign led by Renfrewshire Council and involving local Fairtrade groups, schools, churches and businesses.

Local campaigning continues to increase awareness of fair trade within Renfrewshire and support the ongoing accreditation of the area's Fairtrade Community status. Renfrewshire's current Fairtrade Community status runs until November 2026. If you would like more information about campaigning in Renfrewshire, please contact us on and we can put you in touch with local campaigners.

Towns and schools in Renfrewshire are encouraged to earn Fairtrade status through the Fairtrade Communities and Fairtrade Schools awards.