Renfrewshire Council


Details of the different apprenticeship opportunities in Renfrewshire including information about a Foundation Apprenticeship, Modern Apprenticeship and Graduate Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are paid jobs offering certificated vocational training and help you build the experience and skills employers want to see, setting you up for a bright future.

Read more about the different apprenticeships we offer and contact our Invest in Renfrewshire team on 0300 300 1180 if you'd like any more information about apprenticeships in Renfrewshire.

Apprenticeships.Scot has lots of information about the different types of apprenticeships in Scotland and all the opportunities available.

On this page:

Foundation Apprenticeships

If you are at school, then a Foundation Apprenticeship is a great choice to gain industry insight and a qualification while in S5 or S6.

Foundation Apprenticeships are designed in partnership with employers and you will learn essential skills in the workplace, get a head start towards a Modern Apprenticeship or other job and complete a recognised qualification equivalent to a Higher.

Consider a Foundation Apprenticeship when you are making your subject choices in S4, S5 and S6. Read up about the different options then speak to your parents, careers advisor and guidance teachers when making your subject choices.

Foundation Apprenticeships in Renfrewshire are offered in partnership with West College Scotland.

You can see the different options on the college Foundation Apprenticeship web pages.

Modern Apprenticeships

If you've left school then a Modern Apprenticeship sees you get a job, get paid and get qualified. While aimed at people aged 16 to 24, many opportunities are open to people of all ages and backgrounds and more than 90% of our Modern Apprentices go onto full-time employment.

Modern Apprenticeships take from one to four years to complete and see apprentices work with us in the Council or with local businesses, completing an individual training plan and completing relevant qualifications either in the workplace or at college.

Modern Apprenticeships with Renfrewshire Council in 2024

There are approximately 30 Modern Apprenticeships with us at Renfrewshire Council starting in 2024.

  • Business and Administration - open throughout the year with various start points
  • Children and Young People (Early Years) - scheduled to be advertised in Autumn 2024 and start in January 2025
  • Construction trades - advertised from March 2024 and start in late August 2024
  • Horticulture - advertised from June 2024 and start in September 2024
  • Housing / Youth Work / Regulatory Services - we are currently working on introducing these new apprenticeship opportunities and hope to advertise them very soon.

Apply for a Modern Apprenticeship at Renfrewshire Council

Modern Apprenticeships with us are advertised on the myjobscotland website and also on Apprenticeships.Scot and you can contact our team on 0300 300 1180 for more details.

To be eligible, applicants must be resident in Renfrewshire and preferably be aged 16-24, with the minimum required qualifications set out on the job advert.

Where possible, as an alternative to the minimum required qualifications, we will also consider applicants with appropriate equivalent qualifications or practical work experience.

Graduate Apprenticeships

A Graduate Apprenticeship allows you to study towards a relevant degree while you are working in your current job.

You'll spend most of your time learning relevant skills on the job and will also be a student at a university. You can read more about Graduate Apprenticeships in Scotland and details on how to apply.

Graduate Apprenticeships are available to our Council staff and most are offered through Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of the West of Scotland. There's no upper age limit to apply and we offer access to degree programmes in subjects such as accountancy, business management, civil engineering, quantity surveying, artificial intelligence & data science, cyber security and early learning & childcare.

To apply for a Graduate Apprenticeship, you must be working in the same field as the course you would like to apply for. You will also need to have the support and mentorship of your service.

Applications normally open early in the year with courses starting in September. Our staff can email Eddie Simpson at for more information and guidance on how to apply.