Access Business World from any device
Personal and work related use of Business World, your email addresses in Business World.
Personal use of Business World
In addition to accessing Business World from council devices you can also access Business World from a personal device to view your own personal information and process self-service tasks if you choose to do so. To access Business World on a personal device simply copy or type the link below into your web browser (Google chrome is recommended):
Renfrewshire ERP (Business World)
The use of your own device for BW self-serve is purely optional. This option is available for your own convenience. However, as the Council has no control over personal devices, this is also at your own risk. With this access, you can choose to process your own claims and requests from your own device rather than the devices supplied by the Council. Please note that you should only do this on a self-service basis. This means that whilst it is ok to access your own information, Line Managers, System Administrators and Core Team users are not authorised to access other employees' information from their own devices.
Further guidance documents can be found within the ERP Business World section of this site.
Work related use of Business World
Unless accessing your own personal information Line Managers, System Administrators and Core Team users must use a council device at all times for all work related tasks.
Business World can be accessed from Council provided mobiles if users choose this option and all tasks can be undertaken or actioned. If you do access other employees' information from your own device this could result in disciplinary action.
It is the employee's responsibility, similar to on-line banking and using devices to access other on-line personal accounts, to ensure they protect their devices, programs and data from cyber-attack, damage or unauthorised access.
For more information on Cyber security please refer to Get Safe Online.
For more information on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) please refer to the Council's Intranet pages.
To protect yourself, it is particularly important to keep your unique user ID and password secure when using a personal device. For example, do not write this down, share this or leave your device unattended and unlocked when logged in.