Renfrewshire Council

Open Data in Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council now has an Open Data platform, designed to give the whole community open access to the information it needs.

The council and its partners gather many types of data to help inform their planning and decision-making processes and deliver high quality, efficient services. Making data available will add value to work in communities, organisations and businesses.

They also believe that this data will encourage innovation, develop new approaches to delivering services, and develop new systems to support the quality of life in Renfrewshire. An Open Data Strategy for Renfrewshire has been produced to develop the open data initiative, stimulate conversation and to gather support from Renfrewshire partners.

You can access an online version of the strategy and the platform itself using the link below.

Please take some time to explore the platform and let us know:

  • Your thoughts on the platform itself, any problems or suggestions
  • Ideas on datasets that would be useful to you
  • Your thoughts on opportunities for work on producing data/insights that don't exist at the moment

Please send any feedback to