Renfrewshire Council

RenTalks: Learning for Life spring sessions

Join your colleagues to learn about health and wellbeing and protecting our kids online.

This spring, we've got some exciting plans for RenTalks sessions designed to boost your knowledge and awareness of topics that matter to you. Look out for your email invitation to join these interactive Microsoft Teams sessions soon! 

Two sessions on supporting men's and women's health—Thursday 2 May 

First up, health and wellbeing expert Ruth Devlin presents two sessions taking a holistic approach to exploring sleep, nutrition, stress management, and gender-related health issues. The women's health session is hosted by Ruth and special guest Dr. Rebecca Smithson at 10am, with the men's event scheduled for 2pm. These friendly sessions will provide a safe and supportive space for everyone to learn and grow. Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in yourself and your health!

Protecting our kids online—Wednesday 12 June

Young people's ever-increasing appetite for online content, and connecting digitally with their peers, creates a complex issue that is tricky for parents and carers to navigate. Don't miss this session with Fiona White, health and wellbeing development officer and Child Exploitation Online Prevention Ambassador who shares her experience of working with children, young people, their families and education staff to provide tips and guidance on how to keep kids safe online.  

Keep a look out for more sessions coming soon...

How to join a RenTalks session on Mircrosoft Teams

If you are on our main council network with an email ending, invitations are sent directly to your inbox. Make sure you hit 'Accept invitation' to add the event to your calendar and get a notification when it's about to start.

If you don't have a council email account, we can send you an invitation directly to any email address that works for you. Simply email, tell us which sessions you are interested in and we'll get you set up.

Published Thursday 25 April 2024