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Searching on "waste disposal" found 76 results - Page 8 of 8

Villages, green spaces, parks and play area projects we are funding or have completed

These are projects in Renfrewshire that we are funding or have completed through the Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund.

Fees, charges and costs for council services

Council fees and charges for licences, certificates, permits, inspections, equipment and services.

Petitions heard

Petitions heard by the Council including the reference number, name of petitioner, subject, board decision and date.

It's Mental Health Awareness Week

This year's Mental Health Awareness Week, 13 - 19 May 2024, focuses on the theme of movement, its impact on our mental health and the practical steps we can take...

Renfrewshire Council Plan 2022-2027

Introduction from Council Leader and Chief Executive, about Renfrewshire, our organisation, place, economy, fair, green, living our values, about the Council Plan....

What goes in each bin

What items you can and can't put in your grey, blue, green, brown and food caddy bins.