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Searching on "school meals" found 332 results - Page 33 of 34

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell - January 2024

Chief Executive, Alan Russell looks ahead to what promises to be a challenging but exciting year for the council.

Community Plan: Our Renfrewshire EQIA

Equality Impact Assessment for Renfrewshire's Community Plan: Our Renfrewshire, 2017

Norma: I wanted to give Sarah a chance to grow and develop her own skills

Norma and Pat became foster carers more than 12 years ago and currently look after Sarah permanently.

Private water supplies

The majority of properties within Renfrewshire are provided with 'mains' drinking water, by Scottish Water who treats the water to ensure it is of good quality.

Paisley Museum Reimagined EQIA

Equality Impact Assessment for Paisley Museum Reimagined, August 2018

Short-term let licence for residential accommodation

What the licence is, when and how to apply, documentation, background checks, costs consultation, objections, representations, how long it takes, conditions of...

Organising a local event

We have advice and tips on how to make sure your event runs smoothly.